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Principles for Corporate Governance Board of Directors Policy Committees Equator Principles

Corporate Governance Principles

Dedicated to corporate governance excellence, FEIB is dedicated to achieving its operating goals through a sound management system and an effective auditing mechanism to heighten the bank’s competitive advantage in the market and ensure all the benefits available to shareholders, employees and other related parties. Our mission is to create maximum shareholder value and be a good corporate citizen. The Bank’s corporate governance principles are:

1. Establish an effective corporate governance structure
2. Comply with relevant laws and regulations and enhance internal management
3. Protect shareholders’ rights and interests
4. Strengthen the power of the Board of Directors
5. Ensure the viability of the Supervisors’ function
6. Respect the rights of related parties
7. Enhance information transparency

Far Eastern International Bank, strictly abided by supervising laws, has established and effectively implemented a thorough internal control system, set up an Audit Department under the Board of Directors to execute independently the internal auditing mission and report regularly to the Bank’s Board Members and Supervisors. Furthermore, FEIB holds regular shareholders’ meetings, openly posts important bank messages on Taiwan’s public information watch station, and handles businesses among interested parties and group affiliated companies totally conforming to regulations to ensure shareholders’ equity.

As the foundation for strong corporate governance, FEIB board members convoke regular board meetings to decide important strategies and policies, supervise the Bank’s management and protect shareholders’ interests. Independent Directors supervise the Board of Directors and reinforce corporate governance. We have established corporate governance guidelines to reinforce the confidence of investors, customers, employees and other stakeholders in the management of the company. Various functional committees meet regularly to assist in the promotion of each important policy. The Bank has selected Deloitte & Touche to conduct regular independent audits and check and report on the Bank’s financial situation and internal controls.

Supervisors are also appointed in accordance with rules and regulations to effectively and independently supervise the execution of bank operations and to lower risk. FEIB respects and safeguards the legal rights of consumers, employees, and other interested parties. The Bank has appointed a spokesperson and acting spokesperson, set up an exclusive website, organized investors’ forums and disclosed corporate governance related information to enhance the transparency of bank information.